Other Artists


Robert R. Copple started drawing at a very early age, and had his first one-man gallery show at age 16.

Robert graduated from Cornell University with a major in both painting and photography and a minor in ornithology/biology/fields studies.

Museums, which have exhibited Robert’s work includes the Smithsonian, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, San Bernardino County Museum, Colorado Historical Museum, C.M. Russell Museum, Museum of Western Art, Pearce Museum, and Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.

Over the years, Robert has been Featured Artists at many shows and galleries.

In addition, he has been featured on TV shows like Good Morning America, Discovery Channel, Outdoor Channel, Disney TV, and many news broadcasts.

Robert’s art has graced the pages of many magazines like Western Art Collector, Southwest Art, US Art, Prints, Wildlife Art News, Art Business News, Art World News, Cowboys and Indians, SCI International, etc.

Red Wolf

Red Wolf’s career as a painter spans from the mid 1980’s. Influenced by exposure with Silicon Valley tech and material science advancements has evolved into a focus on the emerging ability to create and control the nano particle optical phenomenas of structural color in the context of painting. It could be technically argued nothing in painting is likely truly new.  Advancements in protonic science presents genuinely novel abilities to approach image creation in painting differently. Focusing on diffractive optics with the painting acting as something of a matrix of processes to influence the course of light allows a slightly new twist on image creation. Red Wolfs work explores some of these abilities that contemporary science is just, in our lifetime, beginning to make available.  Red Wolf’s work can be found in numerous private and public collections around the world.

Diffraction Study

Figurtive Shoulder

Spirit Dancer
